Summer 2014 (Tulane)

Summer 2014 (Tulane) Noa and co-PIs Volker Blum, Jean-Luc Brédas, Jeff Hammond, Thomas Körzdörfer, and Patrick Rinke receive an Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) Leadership Computing Challenge  (ALCC) Award of 105,000,000 CPU hours at the Argonne...

Spring 2014 (Tulane)

Spring 2014 (Tulane) Noa joins the Louisiana Alliance for Simulation-Guided Materials Applications (LA-SiGMA)   A tomic and Molecular Physics is offered as a LA-SiGMA course   W e welcome new graduate student Farren Curtis, recipient of the LA-SiGMA Graduate...

Fall 2013 (Tulane)

Fall 2013 (Tulane) W e welcome new undergraduate assistants Chris Jumonville and Ben...