Fall 2024


Congratulations to Derek Dardzinski on graduating with a PhD and starting a job as a Data Scientist at Microsoft!


Congratulations to Haoran Ni, Jiayi Huang, and Zefeng Cai  on passing the MSE research progress evaluation (RPE) exam!


Phys.org published an article titled “A definitive atomic structure of the heme crystals made by malaria parasites could lead to better antimalarial drugs” about our recent paper in ACS Central Science


Congratulations to Haoran Ni on receiving an award for submitting the 100,000th job on the TRACE cluster at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC). The certificate was accompanied by a cash prize of $100,000 in binary format, which is $32.

Haoran Ni receiving the award from PSC Research Systems Architect J Ray Scott


Congratulations to Yi Yang on passing the MSE research progress evaluation (RPE) exam!



This Fall catch Noa at:


  • The 7th Computational Molecular Science (CMS) meeting at the University of Warwick, UK
  • The American Vacuum Society conference (AVS70)